Enslaved By Him: My Bareback Master Series (Book 1) (An Erotic Romance) Read online

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  And I just can’t have that.

  I can’t expect to remain true to myself with all these crazy boy thoughts disrupting my life this way.


  “yeah, cum on over, my parents are sleeping. They won’t even know ur here.” I press “send” on my cell phone and then sit back, not believing what I’ve just done.

  I’ve just invited handsome-as-fuck Jake over to my house!

  Candy will shit a brick if she knows I just did that! I laugh to myself, but I don’t care. Jake is coming over! That’s all that matters to me right now as I run around trying to get my room in a semblance of order.

  Not that it needs it or anything.

  Even though I don’t have a boyfriend, I’ve always liked to keep my room clean. Have been doing it since I was about nine years old.

  But this is freakin’ Jake! And I don’t want him to think for one second that I’m a slob.

  Why do you care? One part of my mind now admonishes me. It’s not like he’s your boyfriend or anything.

  I ignore that part of my voice and proceed to push a pair of sandals that’s peeking out even further under the bed.

  That part of my brain obviously doesn’t know that for the last couple weeks I’ve been getting earth-shattering orgasms as I masturbate to the thought of Jake eating me out.

  Doesn’t know that just the thought of Jake’s tongue on my bare nipples drives me crazy and immediately sends a flood of cum oozing down my vagina.

  Simply speaking, that part of my brain doesn’t know shit.

  And I, for one, don’t give a fuck.

  I’m eighteen now.

  An adult.

  A bra that’s peeking from my closet gets pushed back in and locked up.

  My now crusty panties━”Crusty?!?” Ain’t nothin’ crusty about my panties. They look as if they just came from the bottom of the ocean. The ocean of cum━from where I masturbated earlier, get shoved under the mattress.

  Far under the mattress.

  When everything looks good, I lie back down on the bed and ponder on just how I went from telling Candy, “no freakin’ way am I inviting Jake over” to actually telling Jake “come on over to house” in such a short time.

  I’m talking about one day here.

  Not even twenty-four hours.

  Talk about being boy-smitten.

  Or more accurately, Jake-smitten.

  So WTF happened?

  Just a few minutes earlier, Jake had sent me a short text message: “happy bday...wanna get high?”

  I’d been so excited that for a moment I’d considered texting Candy and asking her to come over and hide under the bed or closet or somewhere so she could record this world-changing event. But it was already past two o’clock in the morning and I knew that Candy was already snoring her ass off and if she wasn’t she probably had her boyfriend, Cody, over at her house making out.

  “It’s just for the weed,” I’d said to myself before deciding to invite him over.

  Nothing else.

  Absolutely nothing else, I now say to myself over and over as if repeating that thought will guarantee that nothing more is going to happen when Jake comes over.

  A slight tap on my bedroom window wakes me up from my reverie.

  I look up and see Jake’s handsome face now peering at me, white smoke streaming down his nostrils as he exhales the cold night air outside.


  “Open up,” he mouths as he gestures wildly with his hands.

  I rush over and push up on the window latch, then push the window out and open. Jake’s lanky figure now spills in and as he stands in the middle of my room, I realize how uncanny the resemblance is between him and a Greek God.

  Not that I’ve ever seen a Greek God before, but if I was to imagine what one looked like or even had the power to create one, he would be just like Jake.

  Down to the very last hair.

  I also realize that this is the first time Jake’s ever been inside my house and inside my room and I’m nervous as hell.

  As I lean out to close the window back up, I peer downwards and see Jake’s old blue truck sitting almost beneath my window.

  Leaning against the outside wall of my house and leading up to my upstairs bedroom window is an old, rusty-looking ladder. It’s so decrepit looking, it doesn’t look as if it could support a church mouse let alone a muscular hunk like Jake.

  But it got him here, so it must be working just fine. I smile as I quickly close the window. Who cares about the damn ladder anyway?

  I really should have told Candy to come over. I wanna cherish this moment, like forever.

  “Fuck, it’s freezing outside!” He whispers as he rubs his hands fast together.

  “Here, let me warm them up for you,” I say and grab his hands.

  My intention is to lead him to the fireplace in my bedroom, where I already have the fire going. Instead, he grabs my hands back and reaches for his pockets. “Before, you do that...”

  His hands come up with a bag of weed and some white paper wrappers.

  “Let me roll one up first,” he says and winks at me.

  I’d only ever smoked weed once before when Candy’s boyfriend, Cody, rolled one in front of us and I was curious about how it tasted. How it would feel as it went down my throat.

  I remember choking from the smoke at the time, and getting a little buzz from it and that’s about it.

  No big deal.

  So when Jake had suddenly offered to come over with some weed and help me celebrate my birthday, I’d said, “Well, okay” to him.

  But deep inside me, I know that I really don’t care about the weed.

  All I want is the sight of him in my room.

  His muscular shoulders, body and arms cradling me, and if a little weed happens to be the price of admission to that kind of loving, so what?

  Jake now finishes rolling up the joint and squats in front of the fireplace. With his back toward me, I can see the muscles under the thin tee-shirt he’s got on rippling.

  Fuck, I want to rub on them so bad.

  No, no, no. You bad girl. You can’t do that. Remember your pact?

  He leans forward and lights up the marijuana joint then puts it to his lips and inhales deeply. His face immediately transforms from rigid to placid, as if all of a sudden there is nothing in the world to worry about.

  He sits down in front of the fireplace and extends his hand out, the marijuana roll now producing a column of white spiral smoke as it lies between his fingers.

  I sit next to him, feeling a little bit tense, and take the joint from him. I’m nervous because I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of him and choke on the smoke like I did the first time I ever tried the damn thing.

  I’m also nervous because, let’s face it. This is freakin’ Jake I’m sitting next to. Only the hottest boy I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

  And in my freakin’ bedroom, no less!

  Maybe the weed will make the nervousness go away, I think as I put the marijuana joint to my lips and take a light drag.

  I can feel the smoke travel down my throat as I try to swallow it.

  Don’t you dare cough! Do not fuckin’ cough in front of him!

  And right on cue, I suddenly gag a little from the smoke and wouldn’t you know it, two seconds later and I’m coughing something fierce, tears streaming down my face as if I’m stuck in a room with a fire-breathing monster.

  I can see the smoke streaming in front of me as it pours from both my nostrils and mouth. I feel, but can’t see, Jake’s hand smacking my back as his voice, filled with what sounds like concern, drifts toward me, “You okay?”

  His hand snatches the marijuana away from me and after a few more seconds, my eyes clear as the coughing subsides.

  My vision now back, I can see Jake’s face right in front of me and he looks a tad worried.

  You worried about me?

  Somehow, I’m not fazed by his presence anymore and I know this because I notice tha
t my nerves are not jumping all over the place.

  Even when he leans in toward me so close that I can smell the marijuana in his breath. In fact, I now find myself leaning in toward him and before I know it my lips make contact with his.

  Not that I’d never kissed a boy before, but fuck!

  This is heavenly.

  Maybe it’s because of the weed I just got done smoking.

  Heck, it might be because of the sheer excitement and naughtiness of having a boy in my room in the middle of the night with my parents asleep right next door.

  I don’t know what it is, and frankly, I don’t give a shit. All I know is that, this is the sweetest fucking kiss I’ve ever experienced.

  Like, ever.

  I close my eyes and think back to all those times I’ve masturbated to him. No, this is even better than that.

  Way better.

  His lips are soft on mine and his hands light on my breasts.

  Don’t go soft on me now, Jake. Squeeze them puppies hard!

  I moan as I feel the pleasure start to wash all over me, my spine tingling and my breath coming in short gasps as the ecstasy threatens to wash me in a deluge of cum.

  Don’t you fucking cum now! I know you like the fact that his hands are canvassing all over you, but don’t let the excitement of that get the best of you, now.

  Too late.


  Like a freakin’ surprise burst of rain, my panties are suddenly assailed with a pond of wetness. Without even a word of warning, a hint, a nudge, fuck, anything, my cum has decided that the mere touch of Jake is enough to make it stream down my vagina and reside in my panties. WTF?!? We haven’t even done shit yet.

  What’s going to happen if Jake rubs on you, Clit? You gonna fuckin cry me a river? What? Flood my room with cum and shit?

  All of a sudden and without warning, Jake breaks the kiss off and stands up in front of me. He doesn’t say anything and it’s not as if I can read his mind or anything.

  I’m a little bit miffed though because I was enjoying the kiss. Getting into it and everything.

  Now that makes me worried.

  Is he not feeling the same way I’m feeling? In my weed-induced state did I suddenly bite him instead of kissing him?

  I have been known to do some crazy stuff sometimes. I now look up at him, trying to read his mind, and immediately wish I hadn’t.

  With his hand working the zipper on his pants, he steps forward so that he is now standing directly in front of where I sit on the bed.

  A second or so later and out spills his penis.




  Jake the Greek God who I’ve always dreamed about ever since I laid my eyes on him a couple years ago, is standing in front of me, in my room, holding his penis in his hands.

  And talking about penises...

  Holy fuck, will you look at the size of that thing? Talk about a freakin’ monster!

  Jake’s penis is huuuuuuge!

  And that’s not all either.

  It’s standing erect and firm, looking about ready to slap me all upside the head.

  Jake now bends over and whispers, “You don’t have to do it, but I want you to be my slave tonight...”

  And what the fuck are you talking about, boy?

  I guess the look on my face says it all, because he now whispers, “Let me explain what I’m talking about.”

  That would really help, Jake.

  “What I mean is, I want you to pretend to be my slave tonight,” Jake says. “What you’ll do is simply get down on your knees, take Jake Junior here in your hands and lovingly, ever-so-loooovingly, caress him, kiss him and put him deep in your mouth as if you’re eating the best damn sausage you’ve ever had in your life,” he finishes.

  Holy fuckin’ shit!

  Ok, first of all, a freakin’ sausage?? Where was he coming up with this stuff? But even more importantly, was this guy peeping in on me these last two weeks of my life while I masturbated to him? Did he have a telescope that could peer deep in my mind or something?

  I don’t even know how many times I have dreamed of doing that same exact thing! Just put his penis in my mouth and make him moan and groan in pleasure while I suck him dry.

  I let a smile escape my lips as I look up at him and reach for his penis.

  “So you want me to be your slave tonight, do ya’?” I say with a mischievous grin.

  “Ok...I’ll be your slave tonight alright,” I whisper. “But you might just live to regret it.”

  “Oh, yeah?” He grins. “How do you figure that?”

  I don’t say anything. Instead, I get off the bed and onto the floor, where I get on my knees and grab Jake Junior.

  A misnomer, if you ask me. That thing is anything but junior.

  Best sausage ever? Ha! I’ll make you think best sausage!

  Instead, I’m the one who’s surprised. The reason being that while I’m not a connoisseur of sausages or anything, damn his penis tastes good.

  Better than any sausage I’ve ever tasted.

  Fuck, I might have to start re-thinking my stance of eating sausages only once a month.

  I lick the long length of his shaft, making sure to start from the base of his penis all the way to the tip. And let me tell you...that’s a long freakin’ journey for my tongue to make. I mean, the man has a long penis.

  I have to stop midway just to rest, catch my breath.

  Finally I resume the journey and continue licking Jake Junior until I get to the end.

  Hey, wait a minute! What is this?

  When I get to the tip, I notice that there’s already some white, sticky pre-cum percolating there. Thirsty from my long trip all the way from the base of the penis, I do nothing else but descend on that cum as if I were a thirsty camel in the desert who’s just come upon an oasis.

  Up and down, I suck on him.

  He tastes so good, that for a moment, all I can do, all I want to do, is nibble on him. But I know that Jake Junior is also very sensitive.

  I know he appreciates the rub-down with my tongue and everything but I’m sure he wouldn’t welcome my teeth going nibble-nibble on him.

  So I shove that thought away and BAM! another thought crosses my mind and it makes me sober the fuck up real quick: This is not good! I have Jake’s cock in my mouth...and I’m loving every freakin’ second of it...I just don’t see how this is going to end up with anything else but me wanting him to fuck my guts out.

  Goodbye to my goal of staying a virgin till marriage.

  This is a disaster and I just don’t know what to do about it!

  But that doesn't stop me. I continue sucking on Jake Junior, shoving him deep into my mouth and immensely enjoying the look of pure torture on his face.

  Then I remember something that Candy once told me she always does to Cody that makes him orgasm in seconds.

  “In fucking seconds, I tell ya’,” she’d said.

  “Do tell,” I remember saying with bated breath, my eyes popped, ears perked and my whole body leaning in.

  “I first of all start by licking his thing all over, make it all wet, then before he knows it, I’ve inched my tongue all the way down to his testicles and that’s where the magic is.”

  I remember leaning forward at that moment, strangely excited by the graphic details of Candy’s sexual prowess.

  She’d also leaned forward then, as if revealing the world’s greatest secret━even though there was nobody else within a mile of where we were sitting at in the park━and whispered into my ear, “Tickle his balls.”

  “What? No way!” I’d exclaimed.

  She’d winked at me then and with a glint in her eyes of somebody who knew what she was talking about had said, “Trust me.”

  Now with Jake’s penis inside my mouth, and a burning desire to make him cum coursing through my veins, I say to myself, “I’ll trust you on this one Candy.”

  Flicking my tongue in and out and a
ll over his long shaft, I work my way down to his testicles. I can already hear his moans increasing, his muscles stiffening.

  I throw a look up at his face and I can see that it’s now contorted and out of shape as if he’s in pain. I pull my head back as if to stop and he grabs the back of my neck, shoves his penis even deeper into my mouth.

  “No! Don’t stop!” He orders.

  Oh, so you’re enjoying it!

  Don’t worry, I’m not stopping!

  With my hands firmly gripping his buttocks and pulling him toward me, I hover over his testicles then with slow deliberate movements, I lean forward and suck one testicle at a time. Interchanging between them every few seconds.

  Not that I’m timing it or anything, but it doesn’t even take a minute after I start working on his testicles before he emits a low guttural sound, like a lion on a first kill, and with a loud “Fuck!” he grabs onto the wall behind him and orgasms, his cum spewing all over my mouth, face and neck.

  Outside my room, I hear a door open and shut, followed by footsteps coming toward my door. I turn around and grab Jake’s hand.

  “Quick, you’ve gotta go!” You’ve gotta get outta here,” I whisper.

  He looks at me, a puzzled look quickly replacing the smug satisfied look that had lined his features just a few moments earlier.

  “I think we woke my parents up!” I say motioning for him to get to the window quick. Jake doesn’t need any more incentive. Faster than a cow being prodded with a red-hot branding iron, he pulls his pants up━I don’t even think he zips them up━and runs to the window.

  He opens it up and in one impressive acrobatic move, he vaults over the sill and disappears from view.

  And just like that, all that is left of the Greek God I call Jake in my room is the waft of his masculine musk and the taste of sweet-salty cum on my tongue.

  I quickly close the window behind him and draw the drapes just as the door to my room bursts wide open and my father stands there, glaring me down, his face both mad and worried.


  “What the fuck did you just do, Stacey R. Dumas?” The text from Candy reads.

  I smile as I lay on my back in bed and text her back: “I sucked on jake jr. last night...and I even used the “tickling his balls” trick that u told me about!”